How You Can HelpVolunteer and/or Become a Friend of IPMIf you are interested, please print and complete the required forms(s) and email to: You can also send the application by mail to: International Police Museum, PO Box 165, Rockaway Beach, OR 97136 Volunteer Application (2 pages)"Friends of the Museum" Application (1 page) | DonationsWe are a non-profit organization with no paid employees so 100% of your donations go to maintain the museum and creating new displays. As you can surmise, we need funds to grow and continue. There are several ways in which you can help support the museum. Spread the WordThe first and foremost thing everyone can do for International Police Museum is to spread the word. Come see us! Bring your family and friends. Watch for our new displays. Talk us up. Word-of-mouth is our single best method of advertising and support, and we cannot do that without YOU. |

Fred Meyer Rewards ProgramWe have been accepted by the Fred Meyers Reward Program. If you link your Freddy's rewards card to our museum, they will send us a quarterly check. You lose no benefits on your card, and help us with no cost to you. Is that a win-win or what? Go to the Fred Meyer Website and follow their instructions to link you card to International Police Museum at | 
Donation through PayPalYou can donate on-line through the PayPal site. You do NOT need to have a PayPal Account in order to do this and you are not charged a fee. As a bonus, PayPal occasionally offers to make an additional small percentage donation. You will be offered an on-line receipt for your tax records. You can donate to PayPal below: |

Oregon Cultural TrustWe are honored that International Police Museum is now a listed charity with the Oregon Cultural Trust. Their motto is DONATE, MATCH, And GET THE WHOLE MATCH BACK. That means that you can DONATE to IPM (and get a tax deduction), then donate a MATCHing amount to the Oregon Cultural Trust – and get a tax CREDIT toward your Oregon taxes which means you will get the amount of your WHOLE MATCH BACK as long as your Oregon taxes equal or exceed the amount of the matching donation. Note that the credit only applies to the matching donation portion, and that there is no carryover to the next year. The Oregon Cultural Trust Donation Page is located at | |